Transcontinental LGM Ratification Vote

Local 191 Scholarship Essay Competition Is Back
Local 191 is pleased to once again hold its annual Scholarship Essay Competition.
The writers of the three best judged essays will each be awarded with an $1,800 scholarship.
The competition is open to any member of 191 or their children enrolled full-time in an accredited post-secondary institituion, who submit an essay judged to be the best by the scholarship committee. The deadline for submissions is 5 pm Friday, Nov. 16.
This year’s question: “Unions are being asked by provincial governments across Canada to help them meet their budgets by accepting collective agreements with low or even 0% annual wage increases. Is this a reality of the current economy or something unions should fight against, no matter what the rationale? ”
Download pdf copies of the 2018 Scholarship Essay Competition Bulletin Bulletin and the 2018 Application.
This competition is open to all Local 191 members and their children — in Alberta, Manitoba and Thunder Bay.
Application forms are available from the Local office and your CC or shop steward.
WFP carriers ratification vote begins August 13, 11 pm
The carrier bargaining committee unanimously recommends the acceptance of a one-year extension of the current contract.
Voting will take place the night of August 13 at the Mountain Avenue depot, beginning at 11 pm and running until 4:30 a.m.
Only the carrier of record may vote. Continue reading
Local 229 Port Arthur Health Centre members on strike
There are 65 sisters from Local 229 who have been on strike since the beginning of April in Thunder Bay at Port Arthur Health Centre and this short video tells their story.
It is yet again another reminder of pay inequality and precarious contract work that women workers face.
We need active intervention and solidarity to tell the Port Arthur Health Centre, “Enough is enough.”
Email the Centre’s CEO at jmarrello@paclinic.com or call 807-346-6254 and ask the employer to get back to bargaining and make a fair offer. #ISupportFairWorkPAHC
Annual Prairie Council Meeting
Earlier this month activists from across the Prairies met in Saskatoon for our 5th annual Prairies Council. Delegates received updates from committees, held elections, and discussed a wide range of pressing issues including truth and reconciliation, mental health, and the role of youth in our movement.
A video synopsis of the meeting is now online. Continue reading
Special Meeting For Brandon Sun Members
All Unifor 191 members employed at the Brandon Sun are asked to attend a special meeting, Tuesday, March 13, 1:30 pm, in the lunch room.
This meeting will deal with the Company’s financial situation and update Brandon members on recent contract developments for members at the Winnipeg Free Press.
Local 191 president Aldo Santin, along with 191 staff rep John Webster and Paul McKie, Unifor Area Director for Manitoba and Saskatchewan, will lead discussions on whether Brandon members want to consider the “Made In Manitoba” solution agreed to by the WFP members.
It is important that all members attend.
Local 191 Is Moving
After 20-plus years at our Border Street office, Local 191 is moving.
Effective March 1, our new offices are at 675 Berry St., Unit 1A, between Sargent and Ellice.
Here is the link for directions and a map.
Ours is the first office, closest to Berry and the sidewalk.
We are keeping the same phone numbers and email addresses.
There is plenty of parking.
We will be spending the bulk of the week of Feb. 26 – March 2 moving between the two locations. If you need to go to the Border Street office, call ahead to make sure someone is there — leave a message if there is no answer; and assume no one is there.
If you need immediate assistance for a workplace issue, contact your local CC/shop steward or Staff Rep John Webster or Local 191 president Aldo Santin directly.
Local 191 Post-Secondary Scholarship 2017 Winners
The board of Unifor Local 191 is pleased to announce the winners of the 2017 Post-Secondary Scholarship Essay Competition.
Zachary Slusky, son of Jeff Slusky (Winnipeg Free Press newsroom).
Hannah Kahler, daughter of Ben Kahler (Winnipeg Free Press newsroom).
Bryan Biancospino, son of Susan Biancospino (Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal finance).
Each winner will receive a cheque in the amount of $1,800 to help offset the cost of their post-secondary education studies.
New Executive Board for Local 191
December 3, 2017
All positions on the Local 191 Executive Board have been filled by acclamation.
Nominations for the board closed at the Dec. 3 general membership meeting.
New members on the board are: Bernice Pontanilla (Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals), John Ridd (Winnipeg Fress Press) and Rick Lamontagne (Winnipeg Free Press/Carriers).
There are four vacancies on the 21-member board, including the executive positions of Assistant Secretary-Treasurer and 2nd Vice President. Any member interested in joining the board should contact the Local office to express their interest and make a formal application, providing details of their place of work, history of union involvement if applicable, and any other background information believed relevant. All applications will be considered by the board.
The returning members are: