See Local 191's Mary Agnes Welch (Winnipeg Free Press) talk about the JournamlismIS initiative, at the 6:22 mark of Hope Into Action, Part 2
Click here for the link to the video
I was very inspired by the enthusiasm and energy of the delegates at this Council. Thank you for being a part of Unifor and building our union.
In solidarity,
Jerry Dias
Unifor National President

Save The Date – October 1
The Local Union Task Force comes to Winnipeg Oct. 1, 5:30-9 pm, at the Fort Garry Hotel
The Local Union Task Force is a union wide initiative to engage Local Unions and members to assess the needs of members in Local Unions and make recommendations to build stronger Local Unions with stronger membership engagement. Continue reading to find the member survey and more inforomation on the initiative.
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Saturday, August 8, 1- 4 pm, Unifor Parking Lot, Corner of Grant & Waverley
The public is invited to Unifor's community BBQ.
There will be facepainting for the kids, music & featuring the Norman Chief Memorial Dancers.
Bring a chair and have fun!
Now that we're officially into a federal election campaign, your union is getting ready to have an impact! Unifor has launched a new election website complete with great share graphics, information specific to many of the sectors where our members work and videos of members talking about why THEY are getting involved this time around. It’s a fantastic way to share information with your friends, family members and of course, co-workers. Check it out!
Thursday, August 6, 10-11:30 a.m., WRHA office, 650 Main St
The MGEU Community Support Bargaining Committee, along with the Winnipeg Home Care Local 113 Executive, is organizing a public rally at the WRHA Office (650 Main St.) on Thursday, August 6, 2015 (10 – 11:30 am) to draw attention to concerns they’ve raised at the bargaining table.
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Joie Warnock,Unifor Western Regional Director
Dear friends:
When we’re ill, we need reliable, high-quality health care.
But the Harper Conservatives are cutting health care funding – and that will hurt all of us. Early estimates indicated that there will be $36 billion cut from health care over ten years. More recent estimates have it is as high as $43.5 billion.
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If you are planning to attend the Labour Day Picnic on September 7, at Vimy Ridge Park between 2 – 4:30 p.m., please bring along a donation to the Rossbrook House. We are asking for donations of socks, sneakers or monetary to help bring a smile to inner-city kids in need.
Helping the community!
Thank you for your participation.
Sponsored by the Winnipeg Labour Council
Volunteers are needed for Labour's team entry in the annual United Way Plane Pull event, Sept. 18, at the Red River College Stevenson Campus, 2280 Saskatchewan Ave.
Team members need to be at the campus by 10:15 a.m.
If you're interested you need to register ahead of time, please contact Charlotte Prokopow, or call 204-924-4261.
A national advertising campaign — led by Unifor — was launched Friday, June 12 highlighting the value and benefits of professional journalism.
With Unifor local 191 member and Winnipeg Free Press reporter Mary Agnes Welch serving as spokesperson, the JournalismIS campaign was launched at Toronto's Ryerson University Rogers Communication Centre.
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"News is the lifeblood of our democracy." Mary Agnes Welch, spokeswoman for the JournalismIS campaign, and a member of Unifor Local 191– Winnipeg.
TORONTO, June 12, 2015 /CNW/ – A coalition of professional associations, unions and media organizations today launched an advertising campaign highlighting the value and benefits of professional journalism.
The June 12 launch of the JournalismIS campaign at the Ryerson University Rogers Communication Centre, featured a presentation of the print, online and video advertisements (, which are scheduled for release beginning on June 13. More than 100 journalists, media employees, journalists and representatives of newspaper publishers and broadcasters, participated in the campaign launch. Speakers included prominent print and broadcast journalist Chantal Hébert.
The campaign aims to rally the wider community of journalists and media workers, media corporations and media consumers to increase awareness, recognition and support for professional journalism.
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