Unifor Local 191

Unit 1A - 675 Berry St., Winnipeg, MB   R3H 1A7   |   p. 1-204-949-2770 or 1-844-2255-191   f. 1-204-949-2778   e. unifor191@mymts.net   tw. @unifor191


Lac-Mégantic tragedy: Donations and solidarity pour in from CEP


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                            July 9, 2013

OTTAWA –The Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada has donated from its Humanity Fund to assist victims` families and the communities affected by the tragic accident in Lac- Mégantic this past weekend.  CEP’s Quebec Regional office has also made a donation.

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Rebel Tory Senators Gut Anti-Union Bill

More than a third of the Conservative caucus in the Senate helped to pass a radical amendment to Bill C-377, gutting the bill's attack on unions, and sent it back to the House of Commons. See the full story here:  http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/canada/senate-tories-help-amend-union-disclosure-bill-213165241.html


Anti-Union bill stuck in Senate

A back-bench Tory MP's private bill to destabilize unions in Canada is getting close scrutiny in the Upper Chamber. Here is a link to the story in the Winnipeg Free Press: http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/senators-squabbling-over-union-bill-as-conservative-convention-looms-212448011.html



Changing Names for Changing Times

By Ken Lewenza and Dave Coles

UNIFOR logoMay 30 will be a date to remember. It was the day thousands tuned in – some in person, many online – to find out the long-awaited name of our new union.

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Lord Selkirk SD School Bus Drivers Join 191

Local 191 is pleased to announce that the bus drivers from the Lord Selkirk School Division have joined the Local.

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New Union Gets New Name & Logo

UNIFOR logoEarlier today, the new name and logo were revealed — Unifor.

Click here to see the poster.

This was the news release issued May 30:

  TORONTO – The new Canadian union being formed by the Communications,  Energy and Paperworkers Union (CEP) and the Canadian Auto Workers union  (CAW) will be named Unifor. The name and logo were unveiled today during  a packed press conference of 200 local leaders, members, community  supporters and allies.

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Threat to Labour in Saskatchewan

The following article outlines looming changes to labour law in Saskatchewan which threatens all workers there — and could become the model for assaults on labour across the country. The piece was written by Andrew Stevens, a faculty members at the University of Regina and co-editor of rankandfile.ca, where it originally appeared. It is reprinted here with permission.

Sweeping changes to Saskatchewan’s labour relations and employment standards legislation are on the verge of being passed. Bill 85, the Saskatchewan Employment Act, will dramatically transform the laws governing trade unions and industrial relations in the province. The Saskatchewan Party government, led by Premier Brad Wall, insists that the changes will simply modernize and simplify a dozen pieces of existing legislation into a single, omnibus employment act. But workers and trade unions are justified in thinking otherwise. In 1998, Saskatchewan’s current Minister of the Economy, Bill Boyd, unsuccessfully attempted to pass Bill 218, “An Act respecting the Right to Work (RTW) in the Province of Saskatchewan”, while the Sask Party was in opposition. In fact, debates over right-to-work style reforms and union financial transparency have already been contested in Saskatchewan as Bill 85 developed. But why is Saskatchewan so important in the national context?

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New Union Update

The new name and logo of the New Union will be announced May 30.

Attached here is a pdf of a slide show update presented recently at the Fort Garry Hotel to area CEP and CAW locals.

Local union leaders and activists from the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) and the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers union (CEP) have been gathering in regional meetings to hear details of the plan to create a new union at a founding convention in Toronto this Labour Day weekend.

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Local 191 Free Press Members Approve New Contracts

The employees at the Winnipeg Free Press and the carrier force represented by CEP Local 191 voted in favour of a new five-year deal on Sunday that is effective July 1, 2013.

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Local 191 & Free Press Reach Tentative Agreement

A tentative agreement was reached Tuesday night between Local 191 and the Winnipeg Free Press.

Members of the bargaining committee are unanimously recommending acceptance to both inside workers and the carriers.

The deals on behalf of 450 inside workers and 460 carriers were reached after 10 days of bargaining. Details of the agreements will not be disclosed publicly until they have been presented to members at a ratication meeting April 14 at Canad Inns Garden City (Details below).

This marks the first time in bargaining at the Free Press where a tentative deal has been reached prior to the contract expiration. The collective agreements representing carriers and inside workers expire June 30.

Local 191 will not comment until after the ratification vote.


WHEN: Sunday, April 14

WHERE: Canad Inns Garden City, 2100 McPhillips St., at Jefferson Ave.

TIME: Inside Workers, 11 a.m.; Carriers 1:30 p.m.

No advance or proxy voting. You must attend to vote on ratification.