Unifor Local 191

Unit 1A - 675 Berry St., Winnipeg, MB   R3H 1A7   |   p. 1-204-949-2770 or 1-844-2255-191   f. 1-204-949-2778   e. unifor191@mymts.net   tw. @unifor191


Looking For A Pension Trustee For the WFP Plan

Position Open For Union Trustee on Company Pension Plan

The board of Unifor Local 191 is inviting expressions of interest from members willing to act as trustee/member on the Retirement Plan for Employees of Winnipeg Free Press and Canstar Community News (the Plan).

Download the a pdf of the posting.

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Local 191 Scholarship (LSSD bus drivers) Recipient

Local 191 (LSSD bus drivers) ScholarshipCongratulations to Jacek Fatla, the recipient of the 2016 Local 191 (LSSD bus drivers) Scholarship award.

Jacek (pictured at right with Angie Munch, LSSD director of human resoruces) is a student at the Lord Selkirk Regional Comprehensive Secondary School in Selkirk. The scholarship is a $200 award.

The annual award was started in 1978 by the former LSSD school bus drivers association (now members of Local 191) and is given to a bus student involved in the arts or extra curricular activities, graduating with a high average and planning to continue with post-secondary education.


Join the Steinbach Pride March — July 9

13233123_1050207288387175_2471771120840860676_nSteinbach's first Pride march has moved from the sidewalk to the street.

Join Unifor Local 191 and other labour and community groups and individual Manitobans who are showing their support for the LGBTTQ* community in Steinbach.

Marchers will be gathering at 10:30 a.m. at, E.A. Friesen Park, adjacent to the Jake Epp Library; 255 Elmdale Street.

It will be a short walk to the Steinbach city hall.


Unifor Welcomes CPP Improvements

UNIFOR logoVANCOUVER, June 20, 2016 /CNW/ – The expansion of the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is welcome, despite falling short of Labour's goal to double CPP benefits.

"This CPP increase will help to provide security for hard-working Canadians when they retire," said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. "We would have preferred if the Finance Ministers had gone further, but this is still a significant gain. Higher benefits will result in a tangible impact on the day-to-day quality of life for future retirees."

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Save Canadian Content On The Web

The Minister of Heritage Melanie Joly has asked Canadians to tell her what Canadian content means to them, now and in the digital future. Deadline for survey responses is May 27.

Unifor has prepared a guide to help you fill out the survey.

Here is the link to the survey. It should take 20 minutes or less. You can answer as a “stakeholder” or as a citizen/consumer, but the themes and the questions are very similar even if the order of the questions is a little different. We have provided the following guide.

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The MFL Needs Our Support To Ban Asbestos Products

ban asbestos




A Message From MFL President Kevin Rebeck

The MFL Health & Safety and Environment Committee is seeking support for their effort to put pressure on the federal government to move forward with a comprehensive ban on asbestos. This complements an active campaign by the Canadian Labour Congress.

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Unifor Supports Fort McMurray Relief Efforts

Unifor is contributing $250,000 to the Canadian Red Cross on behalf of the Fort McMurray relief efforts and is encouraging all 310,000 Unifor members and its Locals to make a donation.

Here is the Unifor statement.


Day of Mourning — April 28

Day of Mourning services are being held April 28 to remember and honour those who have lost their lives and who have been disabled while on the job. Ceremonies are taking place in Winnipeg, Brandon, Selkirk and Thunder Bay.

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Unifor Media Policy Update

Unifor's Media Council is looking for feedback to its draft Media Policy, which is an update to the policy last adopted in June 2015. The policy presents an overview of the state of the broadcast, print and graphical industries where our members are employed; a profile of the industries and our Locals; efforts the Media Council is committed to taking on behalf of our members in these industries; and the Media Council's Journalism Code of Principles.

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Update to WFP Inside Workers

Click here to download a PDF copy

Message from Aldo Santin, President, Unifor Local 191:

The financial situation at the paper appears to be sliding from bad to worse with no end in sight. In December, I cautioned that we can expect further cuts at the Free Press despite the strong national and local economy. While management dismissed  the Local's concerns as alarmist, we are indeed facing further cuts.

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